How can I reduce my accent when speaking English?

How can I reduce my accent when speaking English (1)

How can I reduce my accent when speaking English?

You need to focus first and foremost on your English pronunciation. In short, you will need to work on individual sounds in the alphabet before you can reduce your native accent when speaking English.

English Accent or English Pronunciation

Let’s dive deeper here! Accent is more than the sounds you speak! It’s your tone, your mannerism, your pronunciation and understanding of the culture of the language you are learning to speak. When you understand this fundamental, you will come to accept that your overall behaviour will dictate how you speak. You will never see a rapper rapping in an English gentlemen’s manner. It just doesn’t fit.

For example, it is normal for some cultures to speak loudly in their native language, however if they apply the same approach when speaking English, it will make them appear rude and disrespectful. Some would go as far to say, no class!

Self-awareness is key

 Look inward and look into your pronunciation patterns, intonation, rhythm and expression. Ask yourself:

  • Are you mispronouncing words?
  • What sounds are you struggling to pronounce?
  • What is your English proficiency?
  • Are you good at academic English but not everyday English?
  • How often do you practise speaking English? And with whom are you speaking?
  • Who did you learn English from? A native or non-native English teacher?
  • Are you having mental challenges?
  • Are you an introvert?
  • What is your communication style? Do you hide behind emails and text messages?
  • How’s your vocabulary?
  • What are your choice of words?
  • Do you think before you speak or are you making it up as you go along?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? It is crucial that you do, as it will help you to become more self-aware when learning any languages. It will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. It is also very important that we plan ahead, so we can think with clarity as to what to say and how to say it. Mispronunciation often get mixed up with accent problem. They are actually two separate things.

There are many unique international English accents around the world. Your English accent usually depends on your native tongue, and it can vary based on social class and education. Different socio-economic groups may develop distinct ways of speaking, creating class-specific accents. Educational Institutions and their influence on speech patterns also contribute to accent variations.

Accents are often tied to cultural identity, ethnic groups, social class and educational backgrounds.

Differences in social class and educational backgrounds can influence the way people speak.


Long story short, work on your English pronunciation, then address your accent problem. Build a strong foundation of English pronunciation and your desired English accent will flow effortlessly. And lastly, you must recognise that just reducing your accent alone won’t solve the overall problem. Speecheti can help!

One step at a time!

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Speaking is an essential part of communication. Accentism is real and it can affect us in a negative way. By raising the awareness of accentism and letting our clients and potential clients know that they are not alone, Speech Etiquette is here to help you to create a better future and find your voice. We don’t just teach, we mentor!


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