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About Speech etiquettE

At Speech Etiquette, we will help you to articulate your future, we understand the importance of personal growth and development to take you to the next level. Not only will we help you improve your articulation and learn to have clear diction, we are here to create confidence. Practice makes perfect; we aim to deliver the art of speech etiquette with the best team in town to prepare you to become a good conversationalist with the confidence you need to take on any situation.

From everyday essentials such as pronunciation and articulation to how to use English more accurately and the use of business English, Speech Etiquette has got you covered. Tutors and coaches are carefully handpicked by us to offer you the best tuition. With years of experience in teaching, mentoring and coaching, each tutor and coach excels in their own specific way to help you to reach your goals.

We understand

Most foreigners already have a good foundation in English but they were never taught how to articulate properly, as a result most people neglect the development of their spoken English skills while learning English as a foreign language.

The teaching received by many foreigners is predominantly focused on how to read and write, they do not receive the appropriate training to articulate accurately. Furthermore technology has enabled us to hide behind emails and texts and as a result many people find comfort behind a machine which not only slows down their progress and development but also creates a barrier for non-native speakers. Speech Etiquette has therefore decided to become a game-changer by educating our learners how to articulate well as part of our program. Unlike other classes, learning English as a foreign language with Speech Etiquette will significantly improve your spoken English proficiency as well.

Our Philosophy

Everyone deserves to be listened to and taken seriously. Language barriers can cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Miscomprehension can lead to complete loss in communication & we don’t want that. Communication is essential and this is why not only do we teach our students the English language, but we are determined to go the extra mile to make sure our students get the appropriate training in articulation, pronunciation, elocution & communication.

Our Services




Speech Etiquette's Objectives

1: English Grammar Structure of words | Phrases | Clauses | Sentences and whole texts 

2: English Pronunciation Articulation | Clear Diction | Pronunciation 

3: Everyday English Conversation | Communication | Dialogue

4: Business English Improve your business English vocabulary & knowledge

5: Speech & Presentation Speech clarity | Confidence | Speak fluently

6: Singing in English Fun vocal exercises for better pronunciation | Breath control

7: Creative writing & Writing business emails What to write, What not to write! | Get your message across!

8: Accent British accent | Received pronunciation

9: Etiquette The right tone of voice | Body language | Choice of words | The Delivery & Speed

10: Communication skills What to say, what not to say and how you say it!

BONUS – Mentorship | Coaching

The Learning Timeline

Hard work

We believe

Speaking well is attractive!

Speaking well is attractive, it gives you confidence, improves self-esteem and opens new doors. Speech Etiquette focuses on every detail, every sound and every word. Nothing comes easy, it will take hard work and long hours but we will make it a fun and enjoyable journey for you. We are working with people from different walks of life with varied experience of the real world. You will get the benefits of their knowledge and expertise. A solid foundation gives you a better chance to build and master your own command of English. We will help you to get there.

Your hard work along with our mentorship will pay off.




Passionate about the English language, Speech Etiquette’s founder took an interest in British English language as her second language at a very young age. Although our founder was laughed at for much of her youth for having a foreign accent, she didn’t let it defeat her even after having gone through that cruel and insensitive experienceShe loves the British accent (RP), so she stepped out of her comfort zone and faced the challenge head on. 

She is lucky enough to have had the best teachers and mentors throughout her life to improve her English and speak like a native. She also has a passion for art and music, even after completing her university degree in music at The University of Huddersfield she was determined to improve her articulation and singing technique by training with one of the best vocal coaches in the UK while working with a music producer. She was determined and devoted to training, the long hours and hard work paid off. She changed her accent when speaking in English. This was the game-changer for her and it was certainly the best investment she has ever made. If she can do it, you can do it too. 

She is a trained performer, singer and songwriter. Her experience in learning English as a foreign language has taught her the reason why non-native English speakers cannot articulate well. Through her journey of self-discovery, she understands the hurdles that non-native speakers will come across, so she founded Speech Etiquette.

She has carved out a unique method to help all non-native English speakers to further develop the way they learn English as a foreign language to make learning English easy, fun and rewarding. Her personal experience has helped her to develop different methods to improve foreigners’ learning experience, in order to cover different spectrums of the English language and achieve the optimum result.

Not only do we teach our students the English language, but we are determined to go the extra mile to make sure our students get the appropriate training to speak with clear diction.

Our founder has invited her most qualified contacts who are capable of sharing their knowledge and skillsets with learners globally.


Meet Phil - consultant


“I am a firm believer in the importance of language in all areas of life, but especially in the commercial world. Good communication needs the right words.” 

He looks forward to helping you to achieve a strong, natural command of the English language in a business context.

Our Services

personal growth


We are here to help you to build a solid foundation!


Speech clarity | Confidence | Speak fluently

Sing & Learn

A fun way to learn a new language & learn to sing!

Career Ambitions

The Go-Getters

Career Focused, Ambitious & Aspiring. Anything is possible!


Your tone of voice matters! Be a leader, not a tyrant!

Vocal Training

Public speakers, Performers, Artists, Journalists…etc!

bespoke services

"From corporate staff training to private friends and family groups, we aim to make SPEAKING WELL a universal style!"

We have experienced a growing demand for bespoke classes for friends and families to learn together from different parts of the world. The time difference can be a challenge but there’s nothing that we can’t conquer together. 

Working from home 

Working from home has its benefits, you spend the majority of your time communicating via video and telephone calls. However, not everyone in the company is fluent in speaking English and this is when communication breaks down. This can be costly and lead to all kinds of problems. This highlights the ongoing problem of speaking with a strong accent. Effective communication requires clear diction. Clear diction is the foundation of a confidence voice.

Brexit impact on the workplace

Many companies are hiring European staff for their multilingual abilities, yet different accents can become a communication problem. We can’t hide behind a computer sending emails to clients and colleagues forever, we need personal interactions to make business happen. On top of that, cultural differences can also be an obstacle with the power to make or break a relationship. From verbal deliveries, facial expressions to body language and mannerism, Speech Etiquette has the complete solution for you.


Our Mission

At Speecheti we prioritise speaking well as part of our English classes, we believe that being able to communicate well verbally is a key part of learning a new language. It doesn’t matter what your background is, with the right mentors your hard work and effort will pay off. It is never too late to learn.

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